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Personal Message

In the College of Theology and seminary, we desire to train theology students who demonstrate an exceptional ability to learn, teach, and live out Scripture.

Some of these students often desire to continue their theological journey from college into seminary or from seminary into some other advanced degree programs.

We would love to support their education as they make progress toward academic ministry by offering them strong academic programs, helping with tuition, and discipling them as they pursue this unique and important call that the Lord has placed on them.

We would be honored if you would consider partnering with us either financially or by praying for these students as they pursue their vocation. Thank you very much!

*As a symbol of our gratitude, all donors of $1,000 or more will receive copies of our new Christian World View books, The Beginning of Wisdom and Walking in Wisdom, signed by the Dean of the College of Theology, Dr. Jason Hiles.

Thanks To Our Recent Donors!